
Americans are buying more electric vehicles (EVs) and zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) than ever before, and at a rate that’s only projected to continue rising.

This rapidly growing fleet of U.S. EVs, along with the infrastructure to support it, offers an excellent chance for residential installers to identify new sales opportunities. But leveraging this seismic potential will require durable and reliable residential solar modules that deliver maximum value to homeowners.

Let’s take a closer look at the state of EV growth in the U.S. and what this means for residential solar installers.

The State of EV Growth in the U.S.

Americans bought around 16,000 EVs in total by 2011, but by mid-2021 had purchased more than 2 million — a one-hundred-fold increase. And this trend should only continue. A mix of more government mandates, expanding EV model types, and always-volatile gas prices will likely drive many more people to transition from gas-fueled cars to electric ones.

If the U.S. Congress passes the Build Back Better Act, it will contain tax incentives for purchasing EVs. Even though this bill remains stalled in negotiations, state governments are moving forward with orders and regulations to increase EV adoption rates. Fourteen states have adopted California’s low-emission vehicle (LEV) or ZEV standards, referred to as the “177 States,” because Section 177 of the Clean Air Act allows them to adopt stricter emissions standards without seeking EPA approval. Additional states are in the process of updating their tailpipe emissions standards to align with the 177 States. 


Image via Minnesota Pollution Control Agency



Meanwhile, some states are blazing trails in their own ambitious directions. For example, in North Carolina – which boasts one of the country’s largest solar markets – Gov. Roy Cooper recently announced a new mandate to get 1.25 million plug-in EVs on the road by 2030. 

And to keep up with mounting demand and more stringent emissions standards, automobile manufacturers continue expanding their model lines every year. Currently, automakers collectively sell 55 models of EVs, but the market will swell to 100 different models by the end of 2024.

What More EV Adoption Means for Residential Solar Installers

As EVs become more prevalent, they create an incredible opening and selling point for residential solar installers.

From the perspective of potential customer personas, people who purchase rooftop solar panels share similar motivations to those who are also likely to drive or want to drive an EV. Whether it’s reducing their carbon footprints, lowering their energy bills, or seeking greater energy independence, a demographic overlap already exists for both groups. In most instances, EVs and residential solar panels go hand in hand in helping homeowners accomplish any or all of these goals.

Due to this confluence of interests, residential solar installers should consider emphasizing the mutually beneficial relationship between EVs and rooftop solar panels for potential customers.

The most significant benefit is savings since a rooftop PV system can help EV drivers open up room in their annual budgets. According to a recent study by SolarReviews, charging an electric car in the U.S. using home rooftop solar costs $415 a year on average. Compare this to charging an EV with traditional grid power, which costs $662/year on average, or filling up at a public EV charger, which runs $1,058/year on average. Meanwhile, topping off the gas tank on a regular combustion engine vehicle costs around $1,260/year on average.

Another benefit EVs deliver for homeowners, especially those seeking energy independence: EVs also work as big batteries. When PV panels generate excess power, homeowners can store the extra energy in their EVs for use later. Using an EV for storage becomes especially advantageous as more extreme weather events ravage utility grids and create growing power outages across the country.

Plus, the durable and reliable 25+ year lifespan of solar panels can still be a selling point for homeowners who don’t currently own an EV but who are considering buying one down the road in 5 or even ten years. Since the PV system will still generate power, when homeowners eventually switch to an EV, they’ll already have access to clean, renewable energy. 

TrinaProtect - 25 Years of Homeowner Peace of Mind

Although EV adoption creates an encouraging environment for residential solar installers to boost sales, homeowners might still need some convincing. 

That’s where TrinaProtect comes in. This industry-leading 25-year performance/25-year product warranty program provides additional peace of mind for homeowners seeking energy resiliency and long-term savings. Coupled with the high-performance, reliability, and durability of Trina Solar’s residential solar modules, the TrinaProtect warranty program can help seal the deal for potential homeowner customers who might be on the fence. 

Reach out to us today to learn more about the reliable, durable Trina Solar residential modules or the 25/25 TrinaProtect warranty program.

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